Our company is certified in installations of Single-Ply Membranes : PVC-TPO-FPO-EPDM
As the name suggests, Single-Ply membrane refers to a roofing system with only one ply. And while the material is only one layer, it offers excellent durability, longevity and energy improvements that certainly make it a worthwhile investment. The membrane can be added on any type of existing roofing in a variety of ways such as mechanical fasteners or adhesive. The roofing membranes' manufacturers that we use offer a 10 year warranty. However, these membranes have proved to last beyond the manufacturer's’ warranty periods and we recommend them with great confidence for their performance to keep our customers happy. We are also certified in Green Roofs and Green Planters installations.
Some of the many projects that we completed are Municipal Theater of Nicosia, Learning Resource Centre UCY Library "Stelios Ioannou", KIWI, Minthis Hills Green roofs etc, while currently working on projects ICON and SKY TOWER.
You can read more about our projects on the "Our company" page.